Tuesday 31 January 2012


   What is that you want?  Is what you want really what "you" want? Some yogis say that we are born with the energy required to fulfill our personal desires.  These are the experiences that we incarnated to experience.  It has been said that most of us waste our energy on trying to fulfill borrowed desires rather than fulfill our own.  These borrowed desires come from society, our friends and neighbors, our family.  Most of what we believe about ourselves comes from comparing ourselves to others that we are relating to.  We are taught this early on, beginning in childhood.  We learn value from comparison and competition, forgetting the quality of one's own being.  So we learn that if I get this or achieve that, then I will be of value or I will finally be happy.  The mind stores all these desires until they arise to be experienced.  Are you having the experience  that you wanted?  Of course.  But is this experience of benefit to you?

Our being continues to allow different experiences with no care whether it is of benefit to you or not.  It gives you all kinds of signals, in the form of feelings and emotions, pressures, or disease.  We can use awareness to determine whether or not this experience we are having (again!) is of benefit.  When awareness is allowed to flood the experience, the desire for it dissolves. The drive to act upon it is gone!

The desires that we came here to experience will unfold for us, as the universe works to make it happen.  Often when someone has an awakening experience they realise that most of what they wanted in their life doesn't really matter.  They suddenly see the enormous amount of energy spent on trying to achieve  borrowed desires.  This can be troubling to the mind and oneself as the expectations are remembered, by others as well!   Something interesting happens to one's desires.  Awareness floods in.  The desires arising become natural or they become harmonious.  When the desires are beyond oneself, filled with compassion for otheres, the world and nature, enormous amounts of energy are available.  Infinite amounts!

There is still a need for awareness to be brought in, because the motivating factors could be driven by unhealthy comparison or the need to be of value. The borrowed desires still exist in the mind and there is pressure to return to those patterns. Western culture is not currently active in supporting a being to awaken, as the culture is focused on one life and the material world.

The desire for harmony is natural, because the world outside is not separate from the world inside.  It is you. Bring awareness to your mind and watch the desires rise and fall like waves.  When you act, enjoy the experience of the action.  When you choose not to act, enjoy that too!  Awareness is not thinking, don't confuse yourself by thinking and connecting ideas.  That is certainly away to create suffering.  Just watch your mind and what it is doing, feeling and acting.  Enjoy it.

Desire to experience yourself, your lover, your family, the world. Desire to awaken to who you are.  The universe will assist you, after all it is in you.