Thursday 11 August 2011

What I Do

Bradley Krause
Spiritual Healer
Private healing sessions done in  a sacred space.

I have private sessions available as follows:  

1/2 hour at $40
1  hour at 80$
Full sessions at $120  includes a cd of the feedback if required. About 1.5 -2 hrs avg.
Couples sessions at 120$ for reconnection and understanding.

Prices are suggested offerings, I wont refuse based on ability to pay.

I often run workshops for sharing in these understandings and helping each other see in a holistic way.
I am  available for home and property clearings and ceremonies.

When I am in a situation of healing for others, I allow pure source energy to flow letting the cosmic intelligence direct it. I have been seeking out and learning a variety of healing modalities and will call on whatever the person presents and requires in a healing session. Such as:
Energy drains (often caused by energy attachments to others, sometimes in unhealthy relationships)
Entity removal ( a negative form or being from benign to aggressive in the energy field that is affecting consciousness)
Karma of past lives ( through identification, healing, action and prayer, you can transcend some of these issues in this lifetime)
Energy imbalances (a process of balancing the energy that runs through your chakra system, auric fields, shushumna, ida & pingala  )
Soul infusion (when ready, a person can receive more of their soul’s quality into their waking personality
Shamanic Journeying (for information and healing, totems)
Meditations( for shifting states of awareness or healing)
  I have come to believe that many struggles come from a lack of understanding of who we are as spiritual beings. We have accepted an under-estimated view of who we are.  I feel that I am here to assist people in understanding that they have spiritual abilities. Spiritual abilities can be a weakness or beautiful strength if comprehended and managed.  I provide direction on cultivating a balanced state of being, and how to move forward utilizing this state of empowerment.  My understanding comes from studying different cultural  perspectives of spirituality (ie.Shamanic, Buddhist, Vedic, Christian, Taoist, Spiritualist and scientific).
 I am available for Private Healing Sessions, Meditations and Space Clearing.  I offer workshops and meditations to assist in building community for mutual support in our awakening and healing of the world. The sharing of tools and knowledge to use for peace of mind and stewardship is close to my heart.  Cultivating right relationship with ourselves, each other and the planet is necessary for our childrens’ future.
In a full private session, I intuitively reflect and feedback to the person impressions and information that are related to the energetics of their situation. There are spiritual practices that are shared to assist in being the clearest conduit of healing for yourself and others.  This part of the consultation is recorded on a CD.   This takes an average of 1.5-2hrs. In a smaller version (30 min) the energy work is done, but there is less discussion.

What is truth?

From November 3, 2009

So what is going on in the world? There are so many stories. 

 The other day I sent out a video link.  The purpose of that was to show there are many different perspectives as to what is going on in the world.  I believe there are as many perspectives as there are people.  Some of the response I have received covers both ends of the spectrum from spreading fear and conspiracy and untruths to validation of their own beliefs. 

 On Halloween night I was listening to the news on CBC during Randy Bachman’s Halloween special.  There was news about a shortage of vaccine in Quebec and they were prioritizing who could receive the vaccine. Alarmingly they announced that 167 people had been hospitalized for H1N1. 125 of those in the last four days.  The thought occurred to me, “ wonder when the flu clinics started?”  The next night at a flower reading I heard that an infant nephew of one of the people attending received the vaccine and was in the hospital days later.  “Did he have the flu before he got the shot or was it the flu?” Confusion. Fear.  The Patriot Act after 911 exempts Big Pharma from any liability in case of vaccination gone wrong. WHO  benefits? 

Be the change you wish to see in the world! The immortal words of Ghandi.
I believe he understood very well the Law of Attraction.  So does the oligarch. 
Our scientists tell us we are all vibrating beings. The world around you is a holographic projection. Our mystics tell us it is all illusion like a movie being played on the screen.  We know that every atom contains 99.9999% space. What is real? What is truth?

Quantum physics tells us that when we observe the electron it exists in one spot and then another. We do not observe it moving from one place to another. It exists in an infinite field of possibilities and we observe it most often based on the statistical expectation of the geometry of that element.  These moments it doesn’t seem to exist are when it is passing through the zero point or God spot or Tao.  It appears continuous to our senses.  This is like the frames of film moving past the projector.  There is a gap between frames.

In these moments of non-existence or the gap is when what we hold in our consciousness is exchanged with the collective consciousness.  We radiate into the collective our Truth.  The collective gives us back that what we hold as true for us through  the Law of Attraction.   Then we exist and this is projected like a film or hologram to our physical reality.  This how we create the world or paradigm of consensual reality.  The power of prayer exists in every moment by what we hold as true for us.  So, be the change...  if we hold fear, worry, aggression, struggle, the need to fight for a change we only attract those same qualities back to us. 

The power that exists in the individual consciousness is beyond comprehension with the intellect or rational mind.  That is like trying to understand GOD. Impossible.  When we think of power we often think of those in control. Real power is the ability to create. Anyone can destroy.  Look at the idea of royalty and dominion. Many teachers have come to this planet and talked of the dominion of man or the kingdom we have been granted.  Christ said” Ye are gods, these things and greater you shall also do”  Nithyananda says,” I am not here to convince you that I am God; I am here to convince you that you are”.  

You are the ruler of your universe whether you like it or not.  What type of ruler are you?
What is it that you will choose to project into the world? Will you do what is right for your kingdom? Or will you hand your power over to your advisers. To your EGO. To those archetypes within you that have a strong voice. To the special interest groups with powerful lobbies.  The King or Queen was given the right to rule because of their connection to divinity.  The subjects trusted that the ruler would do what is right for the kingdom no matter what.  

Your ego has no understanding of divinity. It is the idea of separation.  It is the archetypes within. Those advisors to the throne who represent the special interest groups. If we gratify the ego it only becomes stronger.  Look at the macrocosmic example.  Is there a need to change the way humans operate in the world?  Be the change.

Your divinity is your soul expressing itself through this form.  It is part of cosmic intelligence.  This intelligence knows how to heal a cut, create a baby or put the earth exactly the right distance from the sun.  It is you. Trust the signals it gives you. Your intuition is your higher nature instructing you.  You can not define your intuitive understanding about what is right and wrong for you with your intellect.  That’s impossible.  That is trying to understand why GOD wants you to do something.  

You access your divinity in the moment, in the gap. Not with the intellect.  “Trust with your Heart what your mind cannot understand.” That is faith in action one of my teachers would say.  

Take your power back!  Quit letting those special interest groups decide for your kingdom.  Rise above your Ego. Take the throne.  The Mayans represent this by images of cutting off the head.  A master shaman would say “drop your story, take up a don’t know mind.”  Others say “slay the ego” or  “drop the mind”  

Pay no attention to the thoughts that come immediately after your intuition comes. This, the ruckus in Parliament when someone addresses the truth. They sleep otherwise. Decide with the intuition, and you will automatically have the energy required to make the decision come about. It is Divine. It is you. Choose to be UNAVAILABLE to the special interest groups within you and outside of you.

Radiate your divinity back into the collective and the world begins to change. When you meditate you find peace, you find intelligence, you find love and bliss. This is our true nature. Decide what is true for you. It is your kingdom. Rule it with YOUR truth not some other truth. 

Any truth you have is limitation.  The truth is a brick in your wall.  A  part of the box. Free yourself from the prison of your mind.  Get out of the Box.  There are no limitations to spirit or consciousness.  Less limitations, more options available to respond in any situation.  More Power.  You are a divine being having a human experience.

The other day I was walking across a crosswalk and decided to drop my mind. I AM. No thoughts. I immediately felt bliss rising in me, tingling ecstasy, healing energy.  A teenager a couple of cars back leaned his head out of the back window and yelled at me,” You dropped something!” I glanced back and began laughing.  The only thing I dropped was my mind. I laughed and laughed, bliss exploding in me.  The universe has a great sense of humour!  

We can choose our truth, our divinity. That seat on the throne.  What is the nature of truth? Nature is Divine.  I am reminded of the immortal words of Uncle Remus from Tales of the Ol’ South.  Go on Sing It Out Loud!

Zip-a-dee-doo-dah, zip-a-dee-ay
My, oh my what a wonderful day!
Plenty of sunshine heading my way
Zip-a-dee-doo-dah, zip-a-dee-ay
Mister Bluebird on my shoulder
It's the truth, it's actch'll
Ev'rything is satisfactch'll
Zip-a-dee-doo-dah, zip-a-dee-ay
Wonderful feeling, wonderful day!

Use your tools

Wow! What interesting times we live in.  There is so much going on in the world these days.  Many times, this is a major topic of conversation.  How will it all affect us?  
Analysis of these situations can cause an interesting effect in the mind.  Very often we get focused on what is wrong, making us feel bad or worse sending us into fear.  This drives or attracts more thoughts, like a magnet.  The strength and quality of this magnet is based on how much emotional charge we have on what we are thinking about. To drive one’s mind to the edge, keep thinking about the problem.
 We can create our very own personally selected dark abyss.  Or we can create our very own happy and blissful state.  We always have a choice.  Choosing to focus on the solution, instead of the problem, is one of the tools we can use to change the direction the mind is going in.  We have tools to use, techniques that are learned.  Some of the best ones are very simple. Like appreciate what you do have.  Gratitude.  Center.  Meditate. Solution.  It is really a matter of which direction do you want to point the mind in.  Love or Fear.
Most people have forgotten the mind  is a tool or interface to be used by the heart or the true self.  When the interface is getting clogged or not running the way we want it to, clean it or reset, turn it around.  We all have tools that we have learned, we only need to decide to use them.  This will of course bring some resistance from the ego.  This can be dealt with gently but firmly, like a child who shouldn’t be playing with your computer.  Then the mind can be used to create those things we enjoy, like solutions!  Trust your true self.  Use the mind, don’t let the mind use you.  It is your choice.  Make it with your heart.

Choice of Perception

   Where we choose to be affects how we are viewing events that are taking place  externally or within us.  As each of us watch the same action unfold, we will all have a different viewpoint of what transcended.  So who is right?  Nobody.  Our ego may think otherwise.  This is our point of perception and we can be very accurate.
    We may be engaged in being in the role our ego wants us to be in.  For example, viewing events from the role of victim will colour those events to support that view point.  The same actions viewed from the role of rescuer are coloured to the same degree only differently.  We can choose many different perspectives and roles to view events from. 
    Viewed from only one angle,  our understanding is limited.  This causes us to see things with tunnel vision, having our opinion reinforced by that role that wants to be acknowledged.  The emotion coming from that role towards that perspective reinforces that opinion.  These roles, are not interested in seeing things from a divine perspective or big picture.  The information coming in is coloured, like a filter on a camera, the filter being the role we are engaged in.  Being centred is a way of reducing those filters to their minimal effect.  Viewed from the centre both perceptions can be understood or accepted as well as having a much clearer vision of the big picture.   From the centre, we have access to the divine perspective, and this is where true awareness comes from.  This awareness is often beyond words or reason. 
    From awareness we have an opportunity to choose in a way that is beneficial to all aspects of our self.  Many judgements come from viewing things from a limited perspective.  These judgements cause us to focus, becoming myopic, supporting the judgements and reinforcing them with emotional energy.  And that makes it more difficult to rest at ease in awareness, the centre.   Focus requires much more energy than awareness, and we eventually get tired of that perspective.  Choose awareness, to be centred and you will have much more energy and less drama.


Forgiveness is one of the most powerful choices that a being can make.  This refers to our conscious decision to let go of the emotional energy around our stories.  In shamanism this is often referred to as shedding.  The serpent or deer represents this in nature by shedding their skin or hair and antlers.  This is so growth can continue in the way nature intended.  We all have stories that we hang on to.  There is an underlying parameter or limiting belief associated with a story that has emotional charge on it.  This belief creates  rules that run throughout our lives forming repeating patterns.   Also known as the karmic wheel, this creates suffering due to our actions based upon this rule.  The essence of the experience remains constant while the characters and locations may change.  By consciously letting go of the emotional energy around this story, we get an opportunity to decide whether we want to follow the rule we set up around this the next time the universe presents us with a similar situation.  The story will remain, but the influence from it is diminished.  In forgiving ourselves and others we create a possibility of being free from this pattern.  
We are beings that are interconnected in ways that our intellect can not really fathom.  Forgiveness helps everyone.  This affects our personal growth in a way that is expansive to our consciousness.  To enter into the oneness, the sacred heart or whatever you want to call it requires us to let go of our judgements.  Forgiving one's self and others goes a long ways to helping with our judgements, especially self judgement.  We get moments of interconnectedness that are so exquisite that we can recall them throughout our life. These may motivate us to search for that fulfilment and peace.  We are all part of something much bigger than we can understand,a oneness or God.  Our emotions radiate through this oneness.  By choosing to forgive, we have a beneficial effect on everything.   If you could remove poison from the water that everybody drinks from, would you try?  Forgiveness is like that, it helps us grow in a healthy way, in harmony.

Journey of Acceptance

Unconditional acceptance is a way to experience the all pervasive unconditional love.
The constant turning of the medicine wheel brings us closer and closer to experiencing the freedom and wisdom we truly are by nature. We have judgements that hold us back from our true nature, from accepting ourselves and others.  When acceptance is present in us, the unconditional love and compassion can flow through us uninhibited.
What does unconditional acceptance mean in this busy critical world?  Many people believe that this means becoming apathetic and dismissing every judgement they have about those things happening around them as unimportant.  This is a misunderstanding.  To accept one’s own actions and the actions of others means accepting the judgement that can go with it.  These judgements we have are spiritual signals to ourselves which get missed if we don’t accept the judgement.  
This does not mean the judgement is correct or even accurate.  The judgement is formed from our mind trying to make sense of the emotion that is moving through us. Our being is giving us a signal to bring awareness to an issue we are carrying.  The emotion is the signal that there is an issue, (be it karma, engram, or samskara)  stored in our chakras.  The mind begins connecting thoughts that rise from memory and association creating an opinion about what has happened.  None of the story that is being created is true.  The emotional signal is real, the thoughts may feel valid and some contain knowledge about what requires awareness.  But the story is just a story, not the truth.  If we can sit with the emotion while it is present we can gain the insight which brings awareness to our issue. If we are aware enough we don’t go into the judgement. If not then our issue is projected onto others.
The medicine wheel teaches us that if we are in ownership or acceptance of our stuff we have an opportunity to gain wisdom and transcend our issue.  If we don’t accept it as ours, we see other souls unconditionally showing us our stuff by reflecting what we have projected.  Projected because the spiritual light is flowing through your chakras and it shows up in our holographic universe.   Until we accept, we cannot integrate or transcend our issues. They keep moving around the wheel.
So when you see something happening that brings emotion to the surface for you, accept it. If there is a judgement on it, examine it and accept that the judgement is about  you.  A judgement that generates more emotion only keeps you in that place, or digs the hole a little deeper making it even more difficult to accept. The deeper the hole the more emotion and the more difficult it can be to sit with it.  So the phrase “though shall not judge”  is an indicator that if you do, you are taking the long and difficult path to  freedom from suffering.   
We are all one, parts of the same universe, children of god.  There is no separation.  When we accept what is happening, we can begin to assist everyone and everything because we are recognizing that we are one.  This is healing.  Removing ideas that we are separate is healing and many issues that have been with us for years, be they physical, emotional or mental can be transcended instantly.  When we understand the love that is existing between all of us, that we are love assisting each and everyone of us, we can live free from judgement and grow and live in our hearts.  
When we do that the world around us changes.  We learn to discern what is right for ourselves, by trusting and dropping the judgements on our actions.  And this may mean having to piss someone off so they have an opportunity to accept, integrate and perhaps transcend the issue that is causing them to suffer.  If you wish to move freely and walk with grace, be willing to live from the heart, be willing to piss people off by standing in what feels true for you in each moment.  Live from the heart no matter what.  That is how you can truly be in service and become aware of the unconditional love that is there for you to accept and live it when you choose.  No matter, either way. Some prefer the difficult or long path. Our souls know exactly what they are doing, and have no trouble to surrendering to the ego. They understand the system is perfect and eventually the choice comes around again. Like in the next moment.  All action is the same in the eyes of the absolute.
In Service
Bradley Krause