Thursday 11 August 2011

Journey of Acceptance

Unconditional acceptance is a way to experience the all pervasive unconditional love.
The constant turning of the medicine wheel brings us closer and closer to experiencing the freedom and wisdom we truly are by nature. We have judgements that hold us back from our true nature, from accepting ourselves and others.  When acceptance is present in us, the unconditional love and compassion can flow through us uninhibited.
What does unconditional acceptance mean in this busy critical world?  Many people believe that this means becoming apathetic and dismissing every judgement they have about those things happening around them as unimportant.  This is a misunderstanding.  To accept one’s own actions and the actions of others means accepting the judgement that can go with it.  These judgements we have are spiritual signals to ourselves which get missed if we don’t accept the judgement.  
This does not mean the judgement is correct or even accurate.  The judgement is formed from our mind trying to make sense of the emotion that is moving through us. Our being is giving us a signal to bring awareness to an issue we are carrying.  The emotion is the signal that there is an issue, (be it karma, engram, or samskara)  stored in our chakras.  The mind begins connecting thoughts that rise from memory and association creating an opinion about what has happened.  None of the story that is being created is true.  The emotional signal is real, the thoughts may feel valid and some contain knowledge about what requires awareness.  But the story is just a story, not the truth.  If we can sit with the emotion while it is present we can gain the insight which brings awareness to our issue. If we are aware enough we don’t go into the judgement. If not then our issue is projected onto others.
The medicine wheel teaches us that if we are in ownership or acceptance of our stuff we have an opportunity to gain wisdom and transcend our issue.  If we don’t accept it as ours, we see other souls unconditionally showing us our stuff by reflecting what we have projected.  Projected because the spiritual light is flowing through your chakras and it shows up in our holographic universe.   Until we accept, we cannot integrate or transcend our issues. They keep moving around the wheel.
So when you see something happening that brings emotion to the surface for you, accept it. If there is a judgement on it, examine it and accept that the judgement is about  you.  A judgement that generates more emotion only keeps you in that place, or digs the hole a little deeper making it even more difficult to accept. The deeper the hole the more emotion and the more difficult it can be to sit with it.  So the phrase “though shall not judge”  is an indicator that if you do, you are taking the long and difficult path to  freedom from suffering.   
We are all one, parts of the same universe, children of god.  There is no separation.  When we accept what is happening, we can begin to assist everyone and everything because we are recognizing that we are one.  This is healing.  Removing ideas that we are separate is healing and many issues that have been with us for years, be they physical, emotional or mental can be transcended instantly.  When we understand the love that is existing between all of us, that we are love assisting each and everyone of us, we can live free from judgement and grow and live in our hearts.  
When we do that the world around us changes.  We learn to discern what is right for ourselves, by trusting and dropping the judgements on our actions.  And this may mean having to piss someone off so they have an opportunity to accept, integrate and perhaps transcend the issue that is causing them to suffer.  If you wish to move freely and walk with grace, be willing to live from the heart, be willing to piss people off by standing in what feels true for you in each moment.  Live from the heart no matter what.  That is how you can truly be in service and become aware of the unconditional love that is there for you to accept and live it when you choose.  No matter, either way. Some prefer the difficult or long path. Our souls know exactly what they are doing, and have no trouble to surrendering to the ego. They understand the system is perfect and eventually the choice comes around again. Like in the next moment.  All action is the same in the eyes of the absolute.
In Service
Bradley Krause

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